Mark and I went to see Joel.
We just got back from a pep rally for God. I made Mark go to Lakewood Church tonight to see Joel Osteen. He was there and did a little prep work, but his sister preached. The music was AWESOME. (Almost as good as home.) What you don't see on television is the congregation rockin out. One of the songs we sang--your not gonna believe this but--was the words from the verse Isaiah 40:31. As I write this I'm thinking I have gotten that verse in some form or fashion just about everyday I have been here.
I better go, tomorrow is a long day!
Dress warmly for the tests. I always get cold while waiting. Also, eat when you can, even if you don't want to. The stress will get to you if you don't. Don't be surprized if you have delays. There is usually a "hurry up and wait" situation with tests. Lots of walking to and from. Be patient. Sounds like you have lots of prayer support from your friends so I'll just send the practical hints...
God works in mysterious ways! I knew for the last two weeks that I should contact Suzanne Callahan so that she could give you first hand experience. I was blessed to have one of her sons in my class at South.(5th grade)(several years ago)
I saw Suzzane from a distant at ASU ball game Sat. Sat. night I tried to call Suzanne-left message with Carter(one of her sons)-
anyway someone else thought it was in God's plan for her to communicate with you beacause when I arrived home yesterday from the lake-there was a comment from Suzanne!!While I did not talk with Suzanne-someone else did.
The scripture that explains this to me is found in 1 Corinthians 3:9
We are God's workers, working together.
Carol Bishop
Hi Kim,
Mark -- Two material things that I always did while I was with Regina going through her trials several years go. Write and sing. I wrote everything down in a journal we still have today. And i sang hymns and uplifting songs (to myself mostly!). Grab you a blank journal and a hymnal and P.U.S.H!
(Truth of the matter is... I hate CT/MRI scans. I sing "Amazing Grace" to the technicians EVERY TIME my head goes in. :o)
Love ya all!
Sorry... one more thing...
What did it write? All the "guy stuff" details, who came, who sent, when they did tests, what the doctor said... it has been an unbelievable reference later.
Later dude
Philippians 1:2
When Cathy and I saw you last week, she told me of your latest battle. On Sunday I requested prayer for you and Jo LunBeck told me of your blog. What a wonderful thing!! I just wanted to take a minute and say that Mo and I are lifting you, Mark, and the kids up. I will continue to check for updates.
Dee Warren
Hi Kim,
I a friend of Karen's and she has been keeping us updated. We are praying for you & your family and I believe God is THE Healer. So, you are in good hands & you are loved! Thank you for being such a witness of strength and courage to all of us. I look forward to meeting you one day when you visit Fayetteville!
All the best,
Alicia Brooks
Hi Kim,
Thinking of you. Know it's been probably been a long day. Here's a scripture that meant a lot to me and my husband when we were in Houston during an uncertain time Jeremiah 29:11.
Love and Hugs from Fort Smith!
You probably are already doing this, but be extra careful when out and about in Houston. Scott and I lived there many moons ago and it was rough then. I have heard that with all the influx of hurricane evacuees, things are even worse. We will add your safety to our prayers. Try to go eat at Papasitas (if you guys are Mexican fans - or Tex-Mex fans). We gained alot of weight eating there. Thank you for being such a warrior for Jesus! Your testimony speaks volumes to His Grace and His strength. You are daily in our prayers and we know God is doing a mighty work in your life!
In His Grace and with much love,
Christy Lemmons
I was watching Oprah today and Susan Saint James and her family were on talking about the tragic loss of their son in a plane crash. She mentioned a quote that made me think of you. It said "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey but spiritual beings on a human journey." I think we often get caught up in our human journey and forget our spirit or at least don't give as much time as we should to it. God has "hired" you as a tour guide because you are his shining example of someone living a spiritual journey. I believe he will pay you well and your benefits will be great!
God bless,
Janice Fletcher
Thinking and praying for you daily. Love your blogs, you lift me up. I was by my mother's side about 6 years ago at Vandy in Nashville as she went thru her chemo treatments. Her doctor was David Johnson. He spoke so highly of MD Anderson when he was not bragging about Vandy! Sounds like you are getting great advice. I just want to send my best to you and Mark.
Cathe Carnes
Kim and Mark, Sharon and I are thinking about you and praying for you both. Dave.
Kim & Mark,
We love you guys and are praying that God will give you strength to tackle the challenges you face on a daily basis. You have been a true blessing in our lives over the past several months. We enjoy reading your blog to find out how God is revealing himself to you more and more everyday. We look forward to hopefully seeing you this Sunday!!
Amy & Steve Little
Kim, I received my book! Thank you so much. How amazing you are! You are going through so much right now, yet you have time to send me a book. It is precious to me and I will treasure it. Know that I am in a constant conversation with God about you! I am praying that you and Mark are resting well after your big days and that you are eating well. I am praying that God grant you things to laugh and smile about. Isn't Beth Moore in Houston as well? Wouldn't that be cool to hear her too? Thank you again for the book. I love you! Wendy
when you are home don't hestitate to close the blinds, lock the door and have precious time with your children ALONE. it's ok to want to be alone. it's also ok to have doubt and fear and anger. i found myself trying so hard to be the "perfect" christian, say all the right things, do all the right things, react in the way the "perfect" christian would. Sometimes I thought God would heal me if I could just be good enough. I came to realize that God cannot love me more or less than he does this very matter what!!
my pastor recognized this and often would tell me to read passages in psalms...where there was real fear and anger.
God understands our human frailties and loves us anyway. We aren't perfect and our pain is real. His grace will cover it all.
now, back to the practical. Southwest Airlines is great and will work with you on scheduling. There is one direct flight a day to Houston Little Rock to Hobby. There are others but they all have to land at Dallas Love. Go for the direct flight. There is an airport shuttle from Hobby to MD Anderson every 30 minutes or you can take a $25.00 cab. Anytime your appointment schedule is changed or delayed you can adjust your flight by speaking to a supervisor or having Rotary House call them. Southwest has a great relationship with MD Anderson and will work with you. Always pre-board if you feel ill so you can get through security first. I did every treatment in Houston and flew down once a month staying for 3 days or until my infusion was finished and I felt well enough to travel. I did weekly bloodwork at Dr. Nixon's office and they would fax the results to Houston. I was on a clinical trial so I charted everything and had to turn it all in each month to my clinical trial nurse. A lot of people think it's impossible to have treatment in Houston and live in Jonesboro but it's possible, I did it.
Enjoy your weekend and let me know if there are questions I might be able to answer for you..
Cancer is limited ...
It cannot cripple love,
It cannot shatter hope,
It cannot corrode faith,
It cannot eat away peace,
It cannot destroy confidence,
It cannot shut out memories
It cannot silence courage,
It cannot invade the soul,
It cannot reduce eternal life,
It cannot quench the spirit,
It cannot lessen the power
of the Resurrection.
I saw Mary Claire with Kate at gymnastics last night. They were having a blast! I gave her a hug (and tied her shoes) while I said a little prayer for you. We are always thinking about you and praying for you and your family. Be safe! :) Melissa Dailey
Sweet Kim,
I'm praying for you daily!!!. I had to blog you today. Zach got a note at school from some girl. He got into the car and the first thing he said was "Mom I've got to call Jackson." He grabbed my cell phone and called. My boys know the McNabb number by heart(and it's in their heart:) They just miss your boys so much. We love you guys!!!!!
P.S. All the kids got into Prestonwood Christian Academy. Josh started this week. Zach and Katie start in the fall. We still miss Ridgefield!!!!!!
I wanted to let you know you have been in my prayers lately! I feel so uplifted reading your blogs and feel so thankful to be able to read firsthand your experiences. It has helped me make my prayers for you so much more personal and timely. I pray that you continue to see God's presence revealed more and more each day. Thank you! Lisa Lawrence
Kim........."No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper".......I agree that there is "No High Like The Most High". Mike and Margaret have kept me advised of your Walk....know that we are standing in agreement with you......your blog is a blessing....I pray that your healing will be swift.....and your testimony will encourage others.......You are BLESSED CA Jordan, Pangburn, AR
When I asked for prayer concerns in the 5th grade class of FUMC today, your name came up right away. Lots of kids knew you, and all of them know Oliver, and we lifted your family to God today. These kids have seen in their own families that prayer changes things. So, just remember, you've got a small army of short, but devoted, warriors on your side!
Elaine P.
Kim- Just wanted to take a minute and let you know how amazing the hand of God is. Today in church our scripture was Isaiah 40:21-31. There those words are again. I immediately thought of you and said a quick mini prayer!
Jackie Carter
You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly! I spoke with your mom on Thursday and was once again reminded of how much you two are alike! It is always a blessing to talk to Mary and I have reached for my phone several times this weekend to talk to you. But I want you to have time with Mark and the kids, so I haven't called. I love you.
Kim, I'm a friend of your parents and am praying for you each day. Have also asked my daughter in Washington state to pray and my sisters in Virginia. God is able.
Hey, Kim & Mark. While in Dallas visiting "my" Joel, I happened to watch the "tv Joel" - I had never seen his service before. Being reminded of pertinent scriptures is interesting in regard to the coincidence of their appearance. He (tv Joel) was talking about speaking positive words to ourselves, claiming God's promises and used the reference from Romans 4:17, calling things that are not as though they already are; so I'm urging you to claim your healing. And, look at verse 20: "He (Abraham) did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform." So, there.
Joel & Maura's "Baby-Emma," was baptised today. I couldn't help but remember the day your dad baptised Joel...of course, I cried! My friend Sally has dubbed me "The Crying Granny!" I've been called worse. :) Love you lots! Blanche
well i just got to this blog and i am overwhelmed at kim's strength and faith, of course i am not suprised at her because i have known kim for more than 20 years and her power to reach people just keeps getting stronger! i told a funny story about kim yesterday.she was a contestant in the miss redskin pageant and she had to do a talent, so she dressed up in an evening gown, carried a candleabra and sheet music out to the piano where she proceeded to stretch and of course everyone is thinking sheis gonna play concert piano but instead she played chopsticks and i dropped my dolly in the dirt! she landed in the top 5 finalist and everyone was entertrained by her humorous talent. no wonder she was homecoming queen, she had no enemies and she has the ability to make each person she meets happier.i broke my leg in a wreck 7 weeks ago and kim challenged me to get off my butt and walk because i told her i was scared to walk without the walker. well i can't let her down so i am working hard to walk by myself. my husband, parrish just called and said "faith makes things possible not easy", he calls me when he sees church mottos on the signs. i love you kimmy your old friend mikki ergle jonesboring ar
This site is such a blessing. It is an honor to have such a window into your journey (and so much better than third-hand accounts).
You have been on our minds and in our prayers and being able to read your posts reminds me how much we are all connected.
I loved the picture of you and the kids. You are all adorable. Best to Mark.
Much love,
Beth Bland
James 1:5
If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God for it.
I pray for wisdom for everyone in your path.(Doctors-you-Mark)
Ephesians 1:18
May God enlighten the eyes of your mind so that you can see what hope his call holds you you.
Love cb
Well I've just scrolled through these notes and know you are lifted up and warmed by so many good thoughts and prayers. I can't help but think how silly you and some others acted 7th hour when Donald and Mark would come by on the weekends they came in from freshman yr. at UAF> Yall were 10th graders. I thought you were so funny. They thought you were funny too. It was a happy time. I am moving to LR as soon as my house closes (!!?) after a snag. I hope you continue to do well and am glad you've gotten to some great Drs. THe best I hope. Keep on punching because you must. You love life too much to let anything get you down. I pray for you and all your family, for healing and for peace. My love, Sally M.
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