God is good all the time and all the time God is good!
It is so hard to "blog" something after God reveals himself like he did in the last post. I mean what can you say after God has spoken! Anything I could even remotely begin to say, I just think O.K., what's the point.
I do want to tell the ladies in my Wed. morning Bible study how much I love you guys. You have been there from the very beginning when I received the phone call the first time! I still believe it no coincidience our study that particular morning was Peace. Please blog me if Beth says something I need to hear--or one of her Big Texas hair comments! As far as I know everything is on go for Monday. I will blog from Houston. I am getting a bit anxious and just ready to get going. Keep your comments coming, I love them and so many others have commented how they are drawing strength from people they don't even know. I can feel your prayers they are undoubtly giving me the peace beyond all understanding.
Love you all. Kim
Kim, my prayers and thoughts are with you as you go to Houston. Know that you are foremost in the hearts of many and we look forward to reading your posts from Houston.
God speed.
Nancy M.
Hey, Kim. It's Blanche, Shirley, Gloria, Louise, and Sally...we're having "therapy" tonight and were thinking about you. We're glad to hear your latest news. Shirley says, does anyone have a scripture to send? I (Blanche) said "He will lift you up on eagles's wings..." and Shirley laughed and said that's what I'm thinking of! Louise says "He covers you with his feathers & under his wings shall thou trust; his truth shall be thy shield and buckler..." from Psalm 91:4. Have you read the whole chapter? It is wonderful!! We all say that we love you and are thinking of you so very often and will be praying for you on this adventure to Houston. Deut.33:25-27 is from Louise: "As thy days, so shall thy strength be and the eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms; and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee and shall say "DESTROY them!" Love you!!
Kim you know when you cross that Texas line, the sky will be a little bluer and the grass a little greener. Not to mention, the roads are better, the food is better, the margaritas are better... and so on and on. ha ha! Texas will undoubtedly embrace you with love and care. I will be thinking of you and Mark.
Love, C. Wagner
Dear Kim:
Wednesday morning was beautiful. To be blessed with your sweet presence is refreshing- but then to hear you pray a prayer that would forever touch our hearts. Your love for God is Amazing and a real example for all of us to follow. I’m drawn to write about my conversation with God last night—because it was different. It was all about Mark your beloved husband. God put him on my heart and opened my eyes to this... I do not know this wonderful man but was overcome with emotion for his love for you. He LOVES YOU! I don’t think you heard me he looovveess you—like Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25). He is the silent partner we sometimes forget--the earthly strength that fuels you everyday. I am so very thankful for his love for you. Mark thank you from the bottom of my heart for being Kim’s solid rock.
Kim your lifesong is a breath of fresh air we’ve all been longing for. Thank you for doing His work perfectly and gracefully. Love ya so much! bd
Kim, thanks so much for your prayer for all of us yesterday. We all feel like one big family and love you so much. It meant so much to be able to go and share with you in the chapel yesterday surrounded by God and all our prayer warriors. Carole and I will pop in on your mother Thursday morning with coffee and coffe cake. If you think of anything else I can do , I am only a phone call or email away. Love you Paula
Something very special is coming your way from Texas. I wanted you to have it for your trip to Houston. I sent it overnight mail. I just need you to be home tomorrow morning to sign for it. I love you so much. Give a big squeeze to all of your precious little ones for me.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything present your requests to God. And the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7.
Kim-I see you living out this verse.
You have that peace of God in your heart. I am growing in my FAITH daily just by watching you. I just want more and more of Him and less and less of me.
Joshua said just yesterday,"Mom, When am I ever going to see Oliver again." My heart broke for him. I could hear it in his heart. My kids love your kids like crazy!!! We will make the trip back to Jonesboro many times just for these kids. I love you! Beverly
P.S. My kids also love you like CRAZY!!!!! We are praying for you.
How we are praying for you and for God to pour out grace and peace for you, Mark and all the family. In BSF this year we are in Genesis and this week we studied the passage where Sarah laughs at the word that she would bear a son by that time the next year. I love the next verse: "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" Gen. 18:14. Of course the question is rhetorical-nothing is too hard for Him. He doesn't wake up in the morning and get caught off guard by things that we face. We will pray you feel His presence go before, behind and all around you as you travel and meet with the doctors in Houston.
All our love,
I did it wrong the first time but i hope you get beter from crockett
Greetings Kim from the Billions in Plano, TX. Susan and I feel like we know you and your family very well as Beverly, Josh and Zach talk about you guys a lot. In fact, your family is featured in one of my short stories entitled "The Misadventures of Katie and Madison." Perhaps I can get your e-mail from Beverly and share it with you and Mark.
Kim, please be advised that Susan and I are also standing with you and uniting our faith and prayers with you, your family and your fantastic bloggers. I am reminded of the verse that God gave me to comfort me when I learned some five (5) years ago that my wife had been diagnosed with uterine cancer. It is on the tail end of the passage found in James 5:13-16, "The prayer of a righteous man (woman) is powerful and effective." Kim, you have a lot of righteous people praying for you (righteous because they belong to the Family of God through their faith in Him and because they have been cleansed by His blood). Be encouraged for that is a lot of power and effectiveness ascending to the Throne on your behalf.
Kim, I sense that you are living out Hebrews 10:19-23. I see your confidence in entering the Most Holy Place. You have the right enter that place and come boldly to the Throne of God by the blood of His Son Jesus. I read where you are drawing near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of your faith. So Kim, stand firm on that Solid Rock. Hold unswervingly to the hope that you possess and profess "...for He who promised is faithful." (Heb. 10:23b).
Kim, I also want to offer a word of encouragement about MD Anderson. It is an awesome place filled with professional physicians who specialize in cancer treatment. Many people have left that facility cancer-free. A good friend of our family went there as a young man in his 20's. Tommy had some very serious cancer cells surrounding his heart. His prognosis did not look good at all. However, with the combination of the powerful and effective prayers of prayer warriors around the country praying for Tommy's full recovery combined with the skilled work of the professionals at MDA, he was healed of his cancer. Today, some fifteen (15) years later, Tom Whitsett is the Senior Pastor of the fast-growing Central Baptist Church of North Little Rock, AR.
Finally Kim, Susan and I are here for you and the family any time you need us. If we can help with the children during your stay in Houston, please do not hesitate to call on us. Beverly, Rick and our grandkids live just a couple of blocks away and we all will pitch in and help as you need us.
Kim, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Rom. 15:13)
Gary and Susan
I sit and think of all the fun and funny stories I share with you. They make me laugh, and cry and smile. Anyway I wanted to share another one with you.
One night I went to a Sunday School party. I signed up to bring the lasagna. Now why did I sign up to bring the lasagna? I hate to cook. Why didn't I just sign up to bring the bread or better yet a bottle of coke? I thought I would just go to SAM'S and buy the SAM'S lasagna. No one can mess up a SAM'S lasagna right!
Well I was running late dealing with kids, house stuff, etc. I waited too late to put the lasagna in the oven. I needed about 90 minutes to cook it. Somehow I ended up with way less time. So I put the frozen lasagna in the microwave and cooked it that way. How did it turn out? Well part of it was cold and part of it was burnt. I drove to the party and sat in my car. How could I take the main dish inside like this? I called you and said, "Kim I am at a Sunday School party. I just cooked a frozen SAM'S lasagna in the microwave." You were so wonderful to me and so encouraging!
You said,"That's what I love about you, Beverly, you are so real." You helped me gain the courage to face the music. Well Kim that's what I love about you too!! You are so real!!!!Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us. I love your heart. Thank you for all the wonderful encouragement you gave to me this past year when I was in the darkest period of my life. You always said,"God's plan is perfect."I love you, Beverly
P.S. I walked into the party and there were several lasagnas sitting there. I slipped mine in the back and made sure I ate my own.:)
Kim, Praying for you and your family for all the best.
I looked ahead in my devotional book for Jan. 31st(GRACE for the moment by Max Lucado)
Amazing!!! The thought for that day is
Phillippians 4:7
God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your(KIM's and MARK's)heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Mark and I are praying for your trip to Houston-that God will give wisdom to those who will be caring for you and that He will give you both the peace that passes all understanding. Please call or email if you have any questions-Mark is good at making complicated medical stuff easier to understand. We all love you! Bridget
Hey, Kim and Mark, et al. I am thinking of you just now. You and your kids and Mary and Victor and Karen and Dan and little ones are in our prayers. May your flight be uneventful and your visit to Houston miraculous. Love you. Blanche
I pray for you day and night. Here it is midnight and I'm praying for you some more. I've put you on many prayer lists in many states. You are so loved!
Rick is spending time with the boys every night having their "D.T.'s. "D.T.'s in this case stands for devotional time and not the withdral from alcohol.
Only a medical doctor would come up with that name:) Anyway they are using a devotional book by pastor Jim Laffoon with reflections by the Newsboys. The name of the Devotional is "Our Daily Blog" Great title!!! I looked up the devotion for January 31 and the verse for that day is Genesis 18:14.
"Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son." I remember Stacy talking about studing Genesis this year in B.S.F. She also talked about Sarah in one of her blogs to you. Just remember that when you are driving to Houston. Is anything too hard for the Lord? The answer is NO,NO,NO!!
He is the same God yesterday, today and forever. The same power He had all those years ago is the same power He has today and the same power He will always have.
Rick and I went to a seafood restaurant Friday night. I said,"This reminds me of Mark and Kim." He said,"Beverly I was just thinking the same thing." Remember the night we took our eight(8) kids to a seafood restaurant on the beach in Destin, FL? We waited for two hours just to get a table then we waited to order then we waited to get our food and then we had to eat after all of that. But it was such a great night. Katie entertained us by dancing with the band. Find your picture of that night. It is priceless!!! The four older kids are frowning. The four younger kids are laughing. I'm going to put this picture in my Bible. It will remind me of Sarah laughing at the thought of having a baby at her age. "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" NO! I pray for you and Mark all the time. Now I'm going to pray more for your kids too. Have a safe trip. The angels will be carrying you there with all the people praying for you. I love you guys so much!!!!!!!!
Kim & Mark:
We think of you many times a day, and are praying for you and your family. I praise God that you are finding your way through His Word. What a precious blessing you are!
John 14:13-14
"You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, because the work of the Son brings glory to the Father. Yes, ask anything in my name, and I will do it!"
We love you guys! - J & A Spencer
Dear Kim and Mark, I think of you frequently and always smile. You two are inspiring parents and friends. You've got me talking to God. I love you both, Donald
Dear and Precious Kim, I have gotten to hear your sweet voice 3 times this week alone. I feel like I'm back home in Jonesboro! Thank you for those conversations. They give me strength and make me smile. Today a young friend of mine gave the sermon at church. She's a new young mother, our youth leader and on fire for the Lord. Her name is Kristen. Her sermon was entitled "Questions of Jesus". She told us that Jesus-in Latin_ means "interegator" or "the one who asks questions". I have never thought of Christ in this way and I found her talk to be fascinating. She said there are scripture after scripture where instead of answering directly or giving loads of advice many times Christ would instead pose a question. And in His great and awesome way of being who He is, had (has) a beautiful knack for allowing that question to just linger almost as if becoming the answer itself. Kristen shared with us a few of her favorite "questions"; Luke 24:38 "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?" John 1:38 "What do you want?" John 3:12 " I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?" Mark 5:9 "What is your name?" John 13:12 "Do you understand what I have done for you ?" Matthew 16:15 "But what about you?" " Who do you say that I am?"
Kim, This blew me away! If you were to ponder each of these and visualize Christ asking you these questions, would there be any doubt as to what He's going to do for you, already done for you? As you go boldly into Houston stay boldly before Him, Kim. He's got you covered girl! Tightly in the palm of His loving hand. Let us know of your needs, keep us updated. Share with us His mighty victories there (Houston has no idea the blessing thats coming!)And before you know it you'll be back home safe and sound. I love you so much! Prayers of peace and love to Mark and the kids, your family, and you my friend. Wendy
Dearest Kim,
I just heard of your most recent battle. After reading your blog, it is evident that you and God are in this thing together and victory is certain. I am reminded of God's question to Sarah "Is anything too hard for the Lord?". Along with so many others, I will be praying for you, your family and your physicians.
Much love and many prayers,
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