Houston, we have a problem.
Wow! What a day. To sum it all up, I'm headed to M.D. Anderson in Houston. We're just waiting on the date when I can go and see these guys. As one of my doctors said today, the first chemo treatment we used "we were swatting flies with a sledge hammer." They're a little surprised it didn't work, so now we're going to find an even bigger sledge hammer.
While initially, it sounds horrible, I was really encouraged by their comments. They both really feel like it's treatable, it's just a matter of finding the right mix of drugs. So if there is one prayer I'd ask for, it's that the doctors do find that combination, and the lymph nodes begin to shrink. I have another appointment with a doctor tomorrow for even more input. The more the better. We'll be home Friday night and we can't wait to see the kids.
PS. If you haven't had a mammogram, go get one. The technology available today is incredible. At least check yourself out, and don't give me that "I wouldn't know it if I felt it" excuse.
Hey Kim! I've been so anxious to hear about your appt. today. We have been praying for you all week in staff prayer time, as we all love your family and your children. I read your blog about the picture you found with the Isaiah verse, and I ...well, it's just how God works. You know, we have to be listening and expecting God to speak in order to hear Him, and you are doing just that. You obviously have an amazing relationship with our Creator. Five years ago I had a miscarriage and had lots of trouble getting pregnant after that. God continually sent me the verse "For all things are possible with God." It seemed like everywhere I turned, that verse was staring me in the face just like you were saying. Anyway, there were days when I would cry myself to sleep because my heart ached. But GOD IS FAITHFUL, and 5 years later I have a precious baby boy. Hold on to that verse; God gave it to you for a reason. I can see that you have so many people praying for you, and my family and I will continue to as well. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. Love, April Tapp
Kim, All of us in bible study have been sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear your report. We all love you so much. My cousin just finished treatment at MD Anderson and said like everyone else I know that has been there - this is the place that knows how to treat cancer. I will pray that the doctors there find the right mix for you. Just always remember that God is always there holding your hand, you are never alone. Please, please, please call on us at bible study for anything and everything, large or small, that we can do. Praying for you and your family, Paula
Kim and Mark - Speaking of Houston.....God continues to answer prayers. After our conversation Wednesday, my prayer for you was that if M.D. Anderson was where you needed to be that you and Mark would know that beyond a shadow of a doubt. You now both know that M.D. Anderson is where you need be!!!! While we don't fully see God's plan, I do feel certain that there will be many lives in Houston that will be blessed by both of you!
Now let's talk about the Southeast Missouri area. I'm getting my haircut in Cape Girardeau, MO and you call. After I hang up the phone, I briefly tell the girl that is cutting my hair about 'my sweet sister-in-law, Kim, who is battling cancer, is in Fayetteville meeting with doctors and will be going to M.D. Anderson for treatment'. A girl comes over to where I'm sitting and asks me if I'm talking about Kim McNabb. I nearly fell out of the chair and excitedly said 'yes'!!! She told me she had been praying for you and knew about you through her sister that used to live in Jonesboro. For whatever reason, I thought about your blogs and asked if her sister was Wendy in Mt. Vernon - IT WAS!!!! What a powerful reminder for me that for every person that has contacted you, there are so, so many more that know about your battle and are praying for you!
Have a safe trip home and I'll see you tonight! We love you! SMB
I am encouraged to hear your report! My best friend through school is a radiological technician who used to run a treatment program at M.D. Anderson. She has always told me what a high standard of treatment they set and we will pray specifically for the right mix of drugs for you. I did chapel at school today and talked to Oliver. He said he talked to you last night and that he thought you sounded like you felt good. I just wanted you to know that he is being such a trooper. You are constantly in our prayers!
Help! I'm addicted to reading your blog! I wonder if there is a 12-step program for that - ha! By the way, that is a very pretty picture of you in NYC. As my Junior High students would say - you look "Hot!" I bet that was an amazing trip - I've always wanted to go. My prayers are with you and Mark as you travel to Houston and begin your treatment!
Tricia Watts
We have been studying Abraham and his faith in BSF. You are a woman of incredible faith and it is so inspiring.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 is a verse John and I stood on during our ordeal.
Praying for peace, strength, and complete healing.
Love and hugs,
Andrea J.
I have been keeping up with your progress, and your strength and faith are a testament to Jesus Christ! Hopefully Mark knows what a blessing this site has been. You and your family will remain in our prayers. We will pray for whatever you ask and for complete healing.
In His Grace, Christy Lemmons
I know that having these comments from so many friends has helped you and it certainly has given me a different appreciation of life. Your faith is amazing as is your strength. I am glad you are going to M.D. Anderson. Those doctors do amazing things...my mom went there. When all of this is over you must write a book from your "blogging thoughts and prayers". My prayers are with you.
Hi Kim!! I am so glad you are going to Houston. As you know my mother in law goes there yearly now, but at one time every few weeks. She has battled 3 different types of cancer, one being breast cancer. They can work miracles there!!
I was reading Joyce Meyers book Battlefield of the Mind the other night. As I opened to chpt. 3, I saw Isaiah 43:2, jump off the page at me. I had just read your comments on NYC!!! Chapter 3 is titled "Don't Give Up!" It is amazing how God works in all of our lives. I have been praying more and talking to Him more just because of you, but I have been blessed through you. You are such an AWESOME person!! Hope to see you soon! Christi C.
Kim- Mark and I are glad that you are going to MD Anderson-their reputation is so outstanding and I feel like you will get the best care possible. We will be praying for wisdom for the docs on the right combination of chemo. Please let us know if we can help in any way. We are keeping you in our prayers constantly. love, Bridget
I'm so glad you are going to M.D. Anderson. I'll be praying for you, your family and the doctors.
Thanks for keeping us all updated through your blog.
Hey Kim,
Just wanted you to know you and your family are in our hearts and prayers. I hope you can feel the love coming thru the computer screen from all your friends!
Cathe Carnes
Kim & Mark,
I did set up a blog for our Sunday school class. Would you mind if we linked yours to that one? If so, Mark could you tell me how to do it? We love you guys and are praying everyday for healing!
Kim, Mark and friends,
I lived in the shadow of the Houston Medical Center (including MD Anderson) for six years, and I can tell you, miracles abound. There's a lot of walking through the fire going on in that place.
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16
Kim, I want you to know that we are praying for you and your family. We have been so blessed to know you through Daniel. The Thanksgiving holidays we have spent together are very special, and I look forward to this November when we will all enjoy Daniel and Karen's hospitality again!!
I talked to your mom earlier today and was so happy to know that she is so much better and is ready to get to Jonesboro when you get your appointment at M D Anderson.
Kim, there are things we know in Christ...we know our lives are in His hands...we know of His great love for us...and we know of His power to heal. That is my prayer. Healing for you and the comfort of Spirit during the treatments to come. Marietta
Hey girl. Just wanted you to know how your strength and courage and peace about facing your fight are truly inspiring. To God be the glory. As far as our conversation earlier today, I think God will reveal what He is speaking to you through the message today, and it may take some time and prayer to understand it. But I feel that the hope and encouragement and future of knowing that God is in control is what is important to put your faith in. I'm praying for you that you continue to find strength from knowing this.
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