One more to go!
I went yesterday for my next to the last treatment and I feel great. I'm starting to get a little anxious about going back to Houston in April. April 10-12 to be exact. I feel so grateful to God that I have felt so good and have been able to just carry on as usual. From some of my blogs and comments from others, I guess you have picked up on my new endeavor. Running!
Learning to run, and I do mean learning, is everything I'm not. It's a journey that takes time, discipline and a strong positive mental attitude. It is a journey. A journey that I have to invite God along the way everyday. When I first learned of my second bout with Cancer, I just wanted it to be over. I still do. While I'm running I just want it to be over. I'm learning that life is a journey. You have to invite God along the way everyday. The path is sometimes more fun than others, sometimes a little warmer than I wish. But, I'm learning if I enjoy the scenery along the way before I know it I look up and there is the finish line. Sometimes God's gift may just be the journey itself. I don't just want to take in the sweetness of the finish line, I want to enjoy the run. Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
Much love to all,
Kim! I'm so excited your feeling so great. Our pastor today talked today about "Suddenly's" Satan is good at suddenly putting things in our lives, illness, family problems, financial worries. But God loves Suddenlys too. He suddenly heals us completely, makes our families whole again, worries are gone and he is in control. Nothing is bigger or stronger than God himself and he has the power to SUDDENLY change our whole lives! I love ya Kim, and I'm so thankful for your health! Have a wonderful time with your family this week! Teresa
OK Kim, it is time to come run with the Morning Runners!! You pick the morning and I promise many will come to cheer you on. Having a few others to run with will make your run easier. Call me and let me know the day!! AND I am so thankful you feel as great as you do. Once again you're an inspiration to us all. I'm waiting on your phone call-Christi
It's Courtney Childers... this site is amazing! My cousin Denilla called me a few weeks ago and told me that you were battling cancer again and I've just thought about you constantly and prayed for you... but I didn't want to call because I know you probably get ten thousand calls a day. Anyway, Brandon had to get an MRI last week and while he was waiting he picked up a copy of "Faith and Purpose" and recognized you on the cover- I was so excited to read the article and your posts and see how you are doing.
I love you and your family so much and keep you in prayer always. Give the kids all my love...
I am one of Karen's friends and I have been checking on you through her. I was diagnosed with cancer the same time you were in 2004. She was such an inspiration to me then- I can only imaging what a support she is to you. I check your site often and pray for you also. Know that you have friends in Fayetteville that are praying for you!! Susan Salter
Hey Kim - I'm in Carrollton at Joel and Maura's (and now Emma's too).
Personally, I'll take walking!! I am so glad and happy to hear your good news. God IS in control. I'm giving praise and thanksgiving for your good health. Love you! Blanche
Kim - good to hear you are feeling good. I respect runners - I think they're crazy...but I respect them! Keep it up and we'll keep you in our prayers.
Joel Hill
You have so much prayer around you, and it is amazing to see God's work. I am so proud of your running!!! You motivate me as a Christian, friend, and runner. Paul makes many references to running, but one of my favorites is 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (make you guys look it up and star it!). As Christians, we are running toward our heavenly reward. As runners ... we do not stand around and observe ... we turn out each morning, train diligently, question our sanity, and praise God for every step. The journey of a run is as unique as life. However, my personal favorite scripture to get me to my finish lines is Isaiah 41:10 "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." You are such a blessing to all around you.
We love you and your family!
Aimee & Jerald Spencer
Hi Kim!
I'm so thankful to hear how God is working so powerfully in your life. You are such a mighty witness for Him!....The only thing I'll pass on for now is what the good Lord has been saying to me over and over again for the past year or so....."keep on keeping on....and never give up!"
You're always in our prayers! We love you!
Charlotte and family in Fort Smith
Hi, Mrs.Kim, this is Brittany Barre. I saw you in a little newspaper magazine thingy and I read it. It was really cool how Isaiah 43:2(I think that is what it was) showed up everywhere. God is cool how He does that! Just thought I would tell you I'm praying for you!
Some of the Morning Runners know my favorite verse Isaiah 40:31, "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." So many times we "run around" or "walk around" trying to fix everything on our own, rather than opening our arms (wings) and embracing the wind that God provides to let us soar through the storm. Your story is such a testimony. Thanks for sharing your self and the work God is doing in your life to so many.
Praying for you,
Shanda Rogers
Hi Kim!
Just thinking about you today and sending you our love!
The Garner's from
Ft. Smith
You are an amazing young lady. You have so many of your parent's qualities. Keep the faith. God has a miracle in store for you. What a witness for Christ you are. I will be praying for you daily.
mrs. kim,
I put a quote from your blog on my facebook-the one about enjoying the run instead of just the finish line. I hope you don't mind i just really thought that was awesome. I'm glad to hear you are doing so well. My prayers and love are with you!-mary catherine ragland
Hi, Kim et al!
My student Zac brought a copy of your article in the "Faith & Purpose" paper for me to read. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and your experience with us all - God is using you to soften hearts all over the place!! I just loved seeing your picture and radiant smile reflecting God's peace even in a picture. I loved the way Mark is in the picture, too, seeming to be there for you, as he truly is. (This blog spot was a terrific idea - thanks, Mark!) My students were/are excited to see a face for the one they've been praying for so often. How could I get a copy of the paper...I know the folks at Wesley would love to see the article, too. My love to you and your family. Blanche
Kim and Mark,
We will be praying for you as you head to Houston.
Elaine P.
I've thought about you so much lately and not at times when it was convenient to pick up the phone to call. I'll try to get around to it this weekend! I'm waiting for my copy of the article also. I'm anxious to see it.
Thinking of you & praying for good news this next week as you return to MD Anderson. Lot of love!
- Alicia Brooks, Fayetteville
Emily, Kim's daughter practices piano at my house. When she finishes, she always say "Nana" now it is time to play and sing "Jesus Loves Me". We play and sing all 3 verses. Simple song-POWERFUL WORDS!!!
Love cb
Kim- Saw you at the ball field Sat. I will be praying for all of you this week. My children always remind me how simple God's love is when I am tempted to forget. The other day Molly said to me "Mommy, God has very big hands." I asked her why she thought this and she said "They have to be so he can take care of us and be in control of things." God's hands are big and He's got them on you!
Blessings- Jackie C.
You know that your "Wednesday group" will be actively praying for you this morning in your absence. Hope you can feel our presence... but most importantly... HIS.
Love, Jody
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