Home from the hospital
I got to come home from the hospital yesterday and oh what a good feeling getting to take a shower in my own bathroom and sleep in my own bed. Oh the little things. I had been scheduled for a chemo on Tuesday and just was not in any shape to take it, and according to all the scans, it wasn't working anyway. My doctor felt the best place for me was to try to get a little stronger in the hospital. I was having a lot of trouble with weakness and catching my breath. After reviewing all the scans, they have started me on radiation to try to shrink some lymph nodes in my lungs so the air can pass through a little better. The radiation will last about 2 weeks.
I can't tell you how much all your love, prayers and support have meant to my family. When I came home yesterday and read all the posts, I felt so much love, I just cried.
It is really weird where I find myself right now. It seems almost not real but I know it is. It is funny how I guess you picture your life and so many times it just doesn't turn out the way you thought it would. I guess the most difficult part now is I'm such an active person, and it is very weird when you're worn out just getting to the bathroom and back. It gives you a lot of time to think. God's ways are sure not ours, but when you get to this place all you can do is trust Him. Trust Him with all your fears and that my family will somehow be very strong Christian men and women because of this.
I would also like to thank you guys for all the love you have showed for my sister. Her surgery is Monday and I think she is anxious to get it over with. My parents are doing great and will be heading up there Sunday. I will do my best to keep posting. There is no doubt in my mind that God has been in this from the beginning and I know He is not going to leave me now. Continue to pray for me and my family. I don't even know what to tell you to pray, but God does, so just leave it up to him.
I pray God will touch each one of you today in a way you can have no doubt it was him.
Love to all,
Kim, God has touched me so much lately because of you. You have been such a wonderful witness to so many people. My prayers are with you and your family. Paula
You are a handmaiden of God. God loved you so much that He sent his son Jesus for you. It is so hard to imagine how much HE loves you! HE loves you with an everlasting love! God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! Your physical problems have led many people to their knees praying. Jesus says, I stand at the door and knock-if any man hears my voice and lets me in-I will go In. I BELIEVE JESUS has heard our prayers and HE will continue to hear our prayers concerning you and your family!!
You are a loved daughter of your parents; a loved wife of Mark; a loved Mother to your children; a loved Christian to MANY PEOPLE; the list could go on and on. Your scripture verse from II Corth. says is all!!!!!!!!!
Hi Kim,
It was great seeing you at the ball fields here. I'm so glad God made it possible for you and your family to be here that weekend. You got to be there for Karen when she got her cancer results! That was a God thing! And I'm happy that we got to visit...even just a few minutes. You just have this LIGHT in your eyes and on your face that is obviously the Holy Spirit. He is with you! I've always admired your upbeat personality...always wondering HOW you do it! But after seeing you at the ballpark, I realize it's GOD in you! I'll be praying for Karen on Monday. And I'll pray for the radiation to do its job on your lymph nodes. I'm just happy to hear you're home. You're in our prayers.
Dear Kim,
Please know that our family has been praying for you! I was so glad to hear that you came home from the hospital. I know you must be glad to be there! You are such and encouragement to our family and so many others in the way you have handled all of the trails you have been put through. Thank you for that! We are here to help in anyway you need us. We will continue to lift you up in prayer! Our God is an awesome God, and I am thankful for you! Love, Jodie
I am so glad you are home. You are so loved. I have never met anyone in my entire life that shows me the face of Jesus Christ in every word they speak like you do. It is a gift. Sick or not sick HE has given you a gift and I thank you for sharing such a personal and most difficult trial with us while giving all the glory, power and honor to HIM. I pray peace for you at this time.
All our love-
Stacey and Kevin
i'm so glad you are home from the hospital, Kim. It is with your family that you need to be. Janis and I were just wishing we could come to Jonesboro to see you. I cannot tell you how much reading your blogs had done for me. You are such a strong person and filled with so much hope, faith, and love that it spills out to all of us who know you. When I think back to our college days, I feel so blessed to have experienced it with you. And back then, I didn't even know it! Don't you wish for a second we could go back? We take so much for granted until we are forced to look it in the eye. Well, I will quit rambling!!!
I love you and as always you are in my prayers.
Karen Sage
Hi Kim,
I just wanted to say hello and tell you how amazing you are. Brigette and I are praying for you and your family all the time.
Melanie Robinett
Kim and Mark- I wish there were something I could say or do. I just talked to Troy and wish I could give you a real hug instead of a virtual one. Know that we are praying hard and constantly for you. You are strong and wonderful and we love you very much. Please, know that we want to support you however we can.
Brigette (Robinett) Nelson
Kim thank you for all the strength you have shown and given us. Everytime someone mentions your name their face lights up. You have always brought a smile to peoples faces. Love you,
Kim & Family,
"The Lord bless you, and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace." (Numbers 6:24-26)
You and your family remain in our prayers daily.
Stacey, Robbie & Kids
Your life song is a glorious ministry. I am praying for the miracle of healing, and while I know we may get it, I am praising God for the miracle of faith and peace. Your trust in God, your strength, your friends and family are parts of His amazing grace. You are such a blessing, Kim. We love you and your family. J & A Spencer
The Bible tells us to "plant the seed"...As we all will stand before Christ one day to hear those words "come my good and faithful servant" you can rest assured his work has been done through you. Kim, I'm posting this right around the 35,000 hits to this blog site...35,000! WOW! When you stop to think about it, in my daily prayers for you which has now become at least four or five times a day, multiplied by 35,000, and you start to realize how your life exemplifies the exponential power of prayer. Although I will continue praying for a miracle of cure, I'm realizing that there's a miracle of prayer that's happening right now through your unwavering faith.
You are a true inspiration to us all and I thank you for "planting the seed" and giving God the glory in all that you do.
As I watch the power of prayer and your faith and strength I pray and believe you can beat this.
My prayer for you today is a peace that passeth all understanding. I sent you an email. Love you so much. mt
Me again. Robyn forwarded the K-LOVE encouraging word for today. I'm sure you've seen it but if not here it is:
Don't be afraid, for I am with you.
Isaiah 41:10, NLT
Rob said that b/c of you she subscribed to K-LOVE, now b/c of the two of you I have subscribed. Love, mt
Dear Kim, Wow, what a ride. The peaks, the valleys, the joy and the sorrow. To quote the Heidelberg Catachism: "What is my only comfort in life and in death? My only comfort in life and death is that I am not my own, but belong body and soul, in life and in dealth to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all of my sins with his precious blood and has set me free from the tyrany of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven..." May God carry you, sustain you and heal you in His perfect timing - whether healing is heaven or here. When I think about my own death, my concern is for my kids: will they be ok? will they make it through their grief and be happy and healthy? I don't know if these are also your thoughts but I want to assure you that GOD LOVES YOUR KIDS EVEN MORE THAN YOU DO. He has given you Mark and so many friends and family that God will use to grow your children into strong men and a woman of Him. He is walking with them even as He walks with us through this valley. I promise to help in any way that I can. I love you, friend! Caroline
So glad to hear you are out of the hospital. I stopped by on Friday, but you were resting. I pray for you all every day and know that God has a plan for all of this. We love you- remember, you have my number and can call anytime. If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate.
Stay strong, and keep hoping- God is a God of miracles.
Much love,
Kim- I am reminded of your post on March 3.
"It's not about crossing the finish line, which I may, or may not accomplish. It's about the journey and being with the ones you love. Its not about finishing by a certain time, but about being solely in God's time. The only way I fail at this is not trying."
You have anything but failed. Instead, you have shown each of us true victory in Jesus. Your ministry, in God's time, has enabled us to all join in this journey with you-- all the while bringing each of us stronger in our own walks with the Lord. Thank you for the privilege this has been. May God bless you and your family, and give you peace. Love, Your Chi Omega Sister in Christ
Dear Kim,
So many thoughts....I don't know where to start. You are precious. I am so thankful to have you as a friend, even though we've only met a few times! It is such an honor to know you and to be part of your journey. You are courageous and gracious and so full of faith and love. You are who we are meant to be on this earth and I thank you for being that person and being a witness to so many. Your family & friends love you so much and our Father in Heaven loves you so much! I know by reading your post that you feel that more than ever, even during these circumstances.
After I had my oldest son I was having these constant nightmares and anxiety about something happening to him (as all new moms!), but also I was having these thoughts about something happening to my husband and I because I didn't want Matthew to be without us. Responsibility all the sudden took on a brand new meaning! I was sharing this with a friend of mine who has grown children (and is very wise in my opinion) and she said something to me that I'll never forget. She said that parents only think they are here to take care of their children, but in many ways it is the other way around. Children are really taking care of us. I don't know if that makes sense to you, but it just struck a cord with me. It is so true in many ways. I may not be saying it exactly as she did, but it is on my heart tonight to share with you. I see Him at work in so many ways through all of this and I have no doubt many miracles have taken place and will take place even though we haven't seen the one we've all prayed for and desire for you with all our hearts. Through the good times and bad, He is on His throne and He sees a disciple of Christ in you dear friend.
I love you and continue to pray just as you asked - for whatever it is He would have us to pray and for whatever your need is this very minute. Karen is always in my prayers too and we will shower her with all kinds of love & prayer as she recovers. Have a wonderful Sunday with your family. Your sister in Christ,
Hi, Kim & Mark. There's a little needlework quote on my kitchen wall - "God is still in control." And He is. And we still persist in our prayers and petitions and praises daily. Isn't it amazing the blessings that come our way during crazy, difficult times! I love you all. Blanche
I continue to pray for you, asking God to pour out his blessings on you and all of your precious family. Thank you for being such a walking example of FAITH for us all. God bless you, angel.
cindy paul
Kim, I love you and your family so much. I pray for you all and many times that prayer is "just that God give you what he knows you need." I have learned so much as I have watched your faithful walk. Salvation is just the beginning, it's the surrender to do God's will in everything we do that identifies us (you) as a joint heir with Christ. No, God's ways aren't ours, but we have to believe that all He is the constant in our world of changes. Inspiration, that is what you've given me. Thank you.
Kim and Mark and kids...
I do not know you but my parents do and they have kept me posted on your journey. I'm asking my bible study to pray for you and I know that He has got you right in the palm of His hand holding you close to His heart. May His peace and comfort be with you.
In Christ,
Fran Thomas
Jackson TN
Keep being strong!! Your kids are so blessed to have you!! I don't really know what to say, but you have certainly touched my life. I won't start rambling, but you and your family are in my prayers and you are also on our SS class prayer request list. God is Good!!
Love ya, Marci Stracener
I get chills just seeing on this blog how many people you have witnessed to and taught so much through your journey. You have always had a light about you that made people love you and want to be with you. The Lord is working through you. You continue to touch so many people with your light even people who have never met you! We love and pray for you and your family. I can see Karen's big bright eyes in my mind when I pray for her. I am always a phone call away if I can do anything at all.
Love you BIG!
Dear Kim,
Just heard about your recent hospital stay and that your sister is having surgery tomorrow. Wade and I will be praying for you and your family. Am sooooooooooooooo thankful that you are blessed with such a loving family and pray God's richest blessings on all of you. Will be at the Y tomorrow and praying for all of you.
Hey Kim,
We heard today about your stay in the hospital last week. I am so glad you are home now with your family. Charlie, Sarah, and I are praying for you and your family each and every day. May God encircle you with His love and give you strength in the days ahead.
Peace....Charlie, Sissy & Sarah Cain
Dear Kim.
I hope that you had the most wonderful day today with your family. What a blessing! It was such a nice surprise to see Mark and the boys at church this morning. They are a handsome crew! I know you are proud. They have such a sweet spirit too - all of them do. I know that you've already heard what song we sang....not once but TWICE! It was awesome and emotional....the hairs on my arms just stood up when they started playing. God is so a part of our lives - is He ever! I told Mark to give you a big hug from me. You all are on my mind daily. Love, A
I continue to pray for a MIRACLE! Look how old Sarah(in Bible) was when she gave birth!
Sharon, Kim and I will be at the Y in the morning at 8:30 to pray a mile for your entire family (including Karen and her family, your mom and dad, and you and your family.)
I read this tonight and thought of you. It's from the book, A Bend in the Road. "There is nothing, no circumstance, no trouble, no testing that can ever touch me until, first of all, it has come past God and past Christ, right through to me. If it has come that far, it has come with a great purpose."
I will continue to pray for you and your family. I know that God's ways are greater than ours and that His plan has a purpose. Your faith is an inspiration to me.
Just wanted you to know that I think of you and pray for you daily. You are such a blessing to so many people. It is so uplifting to me to see the kind of faith that you have in the most difficult of circumstances. If you need anything, I am here for you anytime.
Gina Roberts
Just wanted you to know that I think of you and pray for you daily. You are such a blessing to so many people. It is so uplifting to me to see the kind of faith that you have in the most difficult of circumstances. If you need anything, I am here for you anytime.
Gina Roberts
God bless you,Kim. I just watched AGAIN the precious time when Lehman read the scripture to Everlasting God. What a wonderful mother you are, and what wonderful kids you have, and what a blessing to know you all!!
Cindy Paul
I love you so much. You are such a beautiful, amazing treasure. When we see you, we see Jesus. I am continuing to pray for each of you. Thankfully God knows exactly what you need right now. Just as He alone knows what Mark and each of your precious children. He will never leave you. He will never forsake you or those you love~~Sebrena Coleman
Interesting to know.
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